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On May 13 2014,coach outlet, the Kremlin announced that Russian president Vladimir Putin would visit China next week, and leaders of the two countries would sign a series of important documents. So what will be the main topics of the discussion between them?Focus 1: PoliticsThe Ukraine crisis will not steal the show The Ukraine crisis has reached a deadlock and all sides are keen to know whether leaders of China and Russia will talk about it. According to Feng Yujun,chanel outlet, director of institute of Russian studies of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, the Ukraine crisis will be mentioned, but it will not be a key topic.Russian ambassador to China Andrey Ivanovich Denisov also believes that during the CICA Summit,coach outlet store online, the Ukraine crisis will not steal the show . He said: The Ukraine crisis is a big issue, but irrelevant to the security of Asian countries. The CICA Summit is an important platform for security cooperation in Asia. We hope that leaders of Asian countries will reach new consensuses and put forward new suggestions on the security of the area. Denisov also mentioned that the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of Victory in World War II will be one of the main topics.Focus 2: Economy98 percent of the gas supply contract has been completedEconomic and trade cooperation is always a key point in the bilateral relations between China and Russia. It is the gas supply contract that attracts most attention. Russia is the world's biggest exporter of natural gas, while China's natural gas market is seeing the world's most rapid growth. The negotiations on the gas supply contract between China and Russia have lasted for more than 10 years. The two sides plan to sign a 30-year contract which will ensure a supply of 38 billion cubic meters of gas to China each year. According to a report in Guangming Daily on May 12, 98 percent of the contract has been completed and the final completion may happen before Putin's visit.On May 13, Ambassador Denisov also confirmed that 98 percent of the gas supply contract had been completed, but he was not sure whether the contract would be signed during Putin's China trip.According to Xia Yishan, researcher of the China Institute of International studies,www.westboroughpolice.com/coachbags.html, negotiations have dragged on for too long and every one expects a good ending. So it is very likely that the contract will be signed this time round.Focus 3: CooperationEnergy and investment will be the focal pointsIn addition to natural gas, what are the potential fields for cooperation between the two countries? Feng Yujun believes that practical cooperation may be reached in energy,http://www.hotelwestpoint.com/onlinechanelbags.html, investment and other fields.Such speculation is based on the vice premiership meetings held before Putin's visit. On April 9,http://www.westboroughpolice.com/coachbags.html, Russian vice premier Dvorkovich met Chinese vice premier Zhang Gaoli in Beijing; on April 18,chanel bags,the researchers noted., Chinese vice premier Wang Yang met Russian vice premier Rogozin in Vladivostok; and on May 8, Chinese vice premier Zhang Gaoli met Russian first deputy prime minister Shuvalov in Beijing.Feng Yujun said: These three vice premiers are respectively in charge of energy,coach outlet online, national defense and investment. During Putin's visit, these fields have the most potential for practical cooperation. Ambassador Denisov emphasized cooperation in investment. The leaders of the two countries will talk about economic cooperation and the establishment of new cooperation models,chanel outlet online,governing always looks easier when in opposition., as well as large-scale investment projects between the two countries. Denisov confirmed that cultural and people-to-people cooperation would also be on the agenda. Following the National Year ,to high-value manufacturing,Cheap USA chanel On Sale Chanel Outlet Online Store, Language Year and Tourism Year held successfully by the two countries, leaders of both sides announced that 2014 and 2015 would be China-Russia Youth Year .The article is edited and translated from,who mostly spoke anonymously for fear for their own safety, source: Beijing News, author: Gao Mei.

?We have 26 students matriculating this fall,Mr Bambrick said,? said Byron Crouse, the director of the Wisconsin Academy for Rural Medicine. ?I think it?d be good to see that number rise to 30 or 32, if we can find additional funding.?

��I think the most encouraging thing I��ve learned about Chicago going back to my personal involvement with Mayor Daley and with Rahm Emanuel,37 "It's not recording all the time. That's the big fear, is the heart��. I have a high regard for Rahm Emanuel. It is not an easy job. To manage a city like Chicago with so many disparate parts to it is not an enviable task. I think that he is as qualified as anybody, but boy, it��s like being the president of the United States.��

I was very surprised that he made the comment as I know they (Britain��s royals) aren��t meant to say these things but it was very heartfelt and honest.�� A spokeswoman for Charles��s office said they did not comment on his private conversations. ��We would like to stress that the Prince of Wales would not seek to make a public political statement during a private conversation,�� she said. Traditionally, Britain��s royal family does not voice political views in public with the head of state merely a constitutional figurehead. During her long reign, Queen Elizabeth has never aired any such personal sentiments.

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