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The issue: State Sen. Chris Rothfuss, D-Laramie, has proposed a legislative task force to look at policies to protect personal data.We believe: Putting this task in lawmakers' hands is an invitation for the radical right to play politics. Let the executive branch handle the task.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .The Legislature has done a good job so far of refusing to wade into the radical right s paranoid mess surrounding the Common Core Standards.In particular,burberry outlet online, the fears that somehow Big Brother is going to use individual students data to track them throughout their school years are right out of the conspiracy theorists playbook.School districts and states have been aggregating and using such data for years. That they now would report them to a central location so results could be compared across states and against national norms only makes sense.We were pleased last week when lawmakers let House Bill 179 die. This was an irrational measure: It would have required parents to opt in before their students data could be used in any way.Had HB 179 passed, it would have destroyed all efforts at true accountability in Wyoming. After all,” she said.Mrs Creagh was at the station with Mr Payne, without a full set of results,like Saddam and Gaddafi and Assad, how would anyone know how students,burberry outlet, teachers and districts are doing?And that bill would have made a mockery of some of the key goals of the Common Core. Those are to make sure American grads can compete against each other on a level playing field and in a global economy. Rep. Lynn Hutchings,cheap true religion jeans, R-Cheyenne,In Washington DC, surely knew her bill s negative impact. Indeed, one suspects that is what she hoped would happen.Now comes Senate File 91,true religion outlet, sponsored by Sen. Chris Rothfuss, D-Laramie.On its face,starting after a children's concert at 11 in the morning, this bill, now before the House Appropriations Committee after passing the Senate,cheap true religion, seems harmless. It would spend 30,000 to set up a digital information task force. That group s job would be to suggest legislative changes to how data are treated both in the private and public sectors and to create uniform policies in state government.The task force,, which is expected to meet for three years,burberry outlet online, would be made up of four lawmakers and three appointees by the governor.But the problem with this approach is that it simply will turn this panel into a playground for the conspiracy theorists especially if one of them is appointed to the panel.But even if such an appointment is not made, lawmakers will have a hard time not playing politics as various groups push and pull on them. The anti-Common Core crowd and others like them are small in number,cheap burberry scarf, but they are loud and tend to dominate the debate. In that kind of noise, it is easy for policy to turn toward nonsense.If legislators really are interested in data policy and not just pleasing noisy constituents and we re not so sure that is the case, given that Mr. Rothfuss says SF 91 comes out of the fretting about education data this panel is not the way to go about it.Instead,burberry scarf, the bill should be altered to direct the governor to develop his own task force,Cheap burberry Outlet Shop Online Sale burberry handbags And burberry bags. Free Shipping!, using state government experts and others as he sees fit. Certainly,burberry outlet, any proposals for legislation from that task force would have to be approved. But its initial decisions would be made absent those who think government is out to track their children.Besides, it is the executive branch s job, not the legislative, to set policy for state agencies. Yes,, protecting data is critical. But discussions about that must be as free of political paranoia as possible.

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Bruce Brown of Wolcott is scheduled to be sentenced Monday in federal court in Bridgeport. He pleaded guilty in February to impersonating a law enforcement officer and falsifying a military discharge certificate.