said Rep. Bob Nicholas

The issue: Some Wyoming lawmakers are saying that they want to double the rainy-day fund to some 3.3 billion.We believe: This is an unwise use of state funds. Wyoming needs to invest in itself - in roads and economic development,burberry scarf, for starters.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .We weren t surprised last week when lawmakers patted themselves on the back for growing the state s Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account, or rainy day fund,P Venkatrami Reddy, to 1.66 billion this last legislative session. What surprised us is that some would like to see that amount doubled. It really ought to be a rainy season account. Because what we really are doing is planning for the future of Wyoming,cheap burberry scarf,gen704, said Rep. Bob Nicholas,gen10357, R-Cheyenne. He is on the Joint Appropriations Committee, which is set to look at growing the fund.Problem is,techniques and offered flavoring hints., there never has been agreement at the statehouse on what scenario would compel legislators to take money from the fund. Sometimes it appears that even if complete Armageddon came to Wyoming,, there would still be some lawmakers clamoring to build up the rainy day account.The state s need to save within reason makes sense. The national economy is still floundering, and coal production is continuing to decline. Having some money tucked away is a wise approach. But continuing to grow the account while other needs are not being met is preposterous.Do lawmakers have hovercrafts that they use to get to Cheyenne? They must, because if they had to drive on Wyoming s crumbling highways,burberry outlet online, there would be a push to use some of that rainy day money to fix the state s deteriorating infrastructure.Where is the interim study on the crumbling roads? WYDOT has regularly informed lawmakers that it needs an extra 30 million a year just to maintain roadways throughout the state. And that doesn t even consider upgrades or new projects.The longer lawmakers wait on fixing roads,, the bigger the price tag will be. If they re going to continue to turn a blind eye toward the state of the highways,Cheap burberry Outlet Shop Online Sale burberry handbags And burberry bags. Free Shipping!, it s probably good that they re socking away dollars. They re going to need them.It s interesting that some lawmakers point to declines in energy production as the reason to put ever more money into savings. That s the very reason why that money should be invested: to help diversify the economy.Setting up matching grant programs for cities and towns where local taxpayers and businesses are willing to help finance new economic development projects would make this state less dependent on a single industry and better able to weather the storm when energy prices plummet.And what about more aggressive advertising and recruitment efforts in high-tax and over-regulated states that are becoming increasingly unattractive to business and industry? Of course,cheap burberry scarf, lawmakers have been told this for years they even give lip service to it. But some would rather hope for an energy surge as opposed to moving away from a revenue resource that, with fracking,burberry outlet, can be extracted from pretty much any state in the union now and at lower costs.Besides,burberry outlet online, a doubling of the fund to protect against budget shortfalls is based on hysteria. The goal,true religion outlet, apparently, is to save enough money to cover a full budget cycle. But the economy never is going to drop revenues to zero.We are all for the state keeping a healthy savings account. But we would rather see some of that money invested in projects that would ultimately help to make the rainy day account less necessary.

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